When We Booked Our Super Show 4 Tickets

January 15, 2012
Sinulog 2012
SuperCien's Narrative of that fateful day.

I got out of work at 6 AM. Met up with Yerene at about 7 AM. Ate Breakfast. Went to DawnHae's house at about 8-9 AM?

The online priority booking for SS4 SG started the previous day (January 14th). Public and overseas booking was on the 15th at 12 PM.

The three of us, DawnHae, Yerene and I, were patiently waiting... chitchatting some, talking, spazzing, preparing our "workspace", creating the list of our preferred seats, planning for the possible seating scenarios etc etc. XmaKyu couldn't come and she gladly bestowed upon us the right to order the tickets for her. I forgot whether HeeEmmy arrived sometime before the online ordering started or shortly thereafter? sorry.

We had used two laptops. We pre-typed the credit card info in a notepad... ready to be copy pasted during the ordering process. We taped up a piece of paper in front of us showing our preferred seats. RITS only allowed a maximum of 4 tickets in one transaction. Since there were five of us, we will need to split up in twos and threes. At least one wouldn't have to go by herself :-/

So we were ready

But then

At about 30 minutes before the start of ordering, I was using one laptop with the plug and play internet thing. Internet connection in our country is so fast that I could not use DawnHae's wifi to avoid slowing the internet connection in her end etc etc. If that makes sense. Then, it seems I couldn't connect to the internet after trying many times. It turns out I forgot to buy "load" or internet service credits. Gaaaaahhh!!! Of all things, and it was almost 12 PM! So we had to scramble and buy load.

Then shortly before 12 PM, we were already in the SISTIC site. DawnHae was in one computer while on the other. Yerene and HeeEmmy were watching in the sidelines. We were finally on the page.....

But after so many tries, this is the farthest we could get :-/

And I couldn't remember anything else... 0.0

there was screaming
a lot
dawnhae, got in to the page
remaining seats were cat 2 or 8
refresh refresh refresh
PEN A B C D!!!!!!
when dawnhae managed to go find a preferred seat or something
she filled up the info
shout!! yell!!
WAAAAA!!!! Error Message just before the confirmation page
This occurred like forever..

we then decide to call the SISTIC hotline instead while still trying to order online.
it was queueing forever!!!!!!!!!
HeeEmmy finally go ahold of a female rep.
I talked to a male rep whom I couldn't barely hear for the life of me!!!!!
the call was even cut short because our call credits were used up.
Calling direct to singapore is expensive!!

We were told that the remaining seats are for CAT 2 and CAT 8.
The seats located farthest from the stage and the ones with partially restricted views. Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!!!!

Plus, in our first transaction, only one ticket was booked. One of us was to seat by herself during the show. We are so sorry.

Our confirmation emails stated:
Super Show 4 - Super Junior World Tour
Sun, 19 Feb 2012 04:00 PM
Singapore Indoor Stadium
334, Row: 29, Seat(s): 11, 12, 13, 14,

Super Show 4 - Super Junior World Tour
Sun, 19 Feb 2012 04:00 PM
Singapore Indoor Stadium
234, Row: 16, Seat(s): 5,

oh, well.
let us just look at the bright side.
positivity guys!!!

After that fateful day, we proceeded to eat/drink our feelings at cafe maru!!

Sinulog2012!! what a day that was!! warak for totally different reasons.


  1. super stressed but super fun at least we didn't end up walking miles away like everyone else in the festivities.

  2. waaahhhahahahaahhaha
    super tired but super fun day...
    while everyone else was having fun for SINULOG we were having fun for our own reasons.


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