Day 6...
This post is dedicated to Kim Heechul and how I fell for this cat. The MV that I saw is U. I admit that it was difficult to tell them apart. But there were 2 who caught my attentention, the guy with smiling eyes which he was attractive and the member that I mistaken for a girl because of his long hair. After a few harrassment from a couple of my friends I recognized their Chinese member, Hangeng because my he's the bias of my friend. They showed me some of their pictures and then I asked my friend, "I thought this is a boy band, why is there a girl member? Obviously I was embarrassed because of this pretty boy so I want to know him better. I didn't realize my true potential in research till I started looking for information about, Kim Heechul. I liked him as I know more about him. I realized he's talented than I could even imagine. Hours turned to days, days turned to months, months turned to years, I discovered talents that I thought I could not harness. One is...