Day 11 of 30: Shopping Spree
I was suppose to go out shopping with my ELFriends in Carbon but I already promised my co-worker friend to have a lunch date with her [since it's her last day at work...T.T] together with my other co-worker friends [btw, these co-worker friends of mine came from the same university as me that's why I treat them special ;)]. So I'm really sorry my ELFriends if I wasn't able to join you in Carbon [I bet it was fun!]. Anyway, after the lunch date, I decided to shop together with my other co-worker friend who is looking for a thick jacket that she can bring on her Hongkong trip and me looking for the things I'll be bringing on my Singapore trip ;p. We went to Terranova, Forever21, and the mall's department store. I swear, I love Terranova more than Forever 21 now =D. Here were the items I bought: winter dress, leggings, boots, and a baggage bag. I was thinking that I should start wearing some boots [I want this with my airport fashion..haha] and wear more formal ...