
Showing posts from February 6, 2012

Fully Booked

In my 23 years of existence, I never had a time in my life that I get to do soo much and tried totally new things. I am the kind who sticks to the norms and wouldn’t want to risk my stress-free life for something unplanned. But ever since I became an E.L.F, stress-free faded from my vocabulary and was replaced by the words FUN, spontaneous , and EXCITING. As proof take a look at my planner: My Pocket Planner My Calendar Planner  I'm looking forward to wonderful February...As a whole I am looking forward to a wonderful year...

Super Show 3 3D Screening

- with her Epic Solo Pose waahhhh...It's the picture in the right with Heemmy, Dawnhae, Gleshi, and - SandHae Picture in the Right ( -, Missy Airene, Dawnhae) and Picture in the Left ( E.I.C) Waaahhhh… Hahahahahahaha…I just saw my face in the magazine… Sorry for the low quality photo... My camera went nutts!!! Hahahahaha…wouldn’t have achieved this in my entire life if not for the Boys!!! What ya say, Mr. Angry Bird? You're the Best Babe!!!! waaaahhhhhh

Day 19 of 30 ----- WGM Hangover

I’m still having a hang-over from watching WGM (We Got Married) episodes 15 and 16…It wasn’t that bad at all, I was thinking I would break my heart seeing my Sungmin with another girl; but I ended up fine with it. I really love how Sungmin show his manly side… However I still don’t see him as a man… My supposed plan of packing my things up for the trip was postponed since: 1.      My sister is having a fever and I had to do her projects 2.      I still don’t have my shorts, I asked my mom to buy me new ones but since she was busy she promised she will do it today 3.      My plan of printing shirts still has no progress…been really busy this past few days 4.      My pants that I was planning to bring along as part of my wardrobe still has not been repaired…they’re too long so I have to have it shortened So that’s it…so much with my OCness…I really can’t get a job done unless everythi...