It's not an "END" but an "AND"
This would be my last post on this blog (as agreed upon the admins), so I guess it's time to say my last words in here. First, I would like to thank God for the opportunity to see Super Junior again on their fourth Super Show concert, in the foreign land of Singapore. He made it all possible! I would also like to thank my awesomest ELFriends - Dawn, Emmy, J, and Airene, who were with me in this SS4 Singapore journey. You know I can't do this alone. I also thank my family and friends for always supporting me on this decision. I know most of them can't understand as to why I would go this far just to see my boys but I guess they saw how passionate and determined I was and that it's for my happiness. =) I know I will still be able to see Super Junior again soon. My wish for SS4 Manila is still on the list. As leader Teukie will always say, "it's not an 'end' but an 'and'" so I foresee another great Super Junior adventure for us. =D Than...