So, I'm really going to SS4 SG?!!!!!! waaaa!!!

I wrote this post during my one hour break, right after I "attended" the Super Junior's Super Show 4 in Seoul via tumblr last November 19, 2011. -------- On Sat Nov 19 04:51:57 SGT 2011, I wrote: I am writing this in the aftermath of SS4 Seoul. Whoa!! It is gonna be the last series of supershows for a long time. If only I am the richest ELF in the world, I would definitely attend every supershow. Haha! But anyhow, despite only being able to listen to the show's audio and seeing lq twitter photos, it was an amazing experience!! I was really excited because it was like my first supershow ever!! I felt somewhat sad too because i felt that I will be missing a lot of things,especially now that ss4 ph is not really sure*. Thinking about that this time makes me sad again. Well, let's get back to concert!! LOL, i am speaking as if I was really at the stadium and watched it live. Haha! Somehow it felt like it. Notwithstanding the countless of times, the ...