Day 20 0f 30: Ten Days Left?! Kyaaa! Alodia-Heechul Issue
TEN DAYS LEFT TO PREPARE OMG HELP ME!!! Sorry if I was not active for the past week. I was very busy on my work and I needed to prepare my cosplay (yes, I'm a cosplayer! =D) which I successfully fulfilled last Saturday~! See my FB profile pic of the character I cosplayed. ;p Speaking of being a cosplayer, I know you guys know the cosplay queen Alodia Gosiengfiao right? Well, luckily, she came across Heechul in South Korea while they were filming a movie. Now, unintentionally, Alodia mistakenly exposed Heechul's number when she recorded in video the phone conversation they had. This made some crazy fans (well I'm not sure if I should call them ELF since I really don't understand why they would try to intrude Heechul's privacy) grabbed the opportunity to catch Heechul's mobile number and non-stop dialed it to talk to Heenim. Now that's rude. Fortunately, Alodia already apologized and Heechul forgave him as well but there are some sensitive fans of Heechul ...