Post-SS4Sg part 1...
I.can' I.don' This trip has all my first times... It was the first time I went to a trip with friends only. It was the first time that I rode an airplane. It was my first time to go to a foreign country. It was the first time I watched a SUPER SHOW. And it was the first time I saw SUPER JUNIOR live and in the flesh... Last Friday, I was so stressed out. I didn't have enough sleep for the entire week due to excitement on the upcoming trip. I still had clinics duty on that day starting at 1:30PM to 5PM and out flight was at 7:55PM! I was so nervous that I might not be able to arrive at the airport on time. I was just glad that our clinics duty ended at around 4:30 so I was able to arrive at the airport on time. We had so many FAILS during at our trip but I think someone else would make an entry on those here so I will not mention them here.haha. At around 11:30 PM, our plane l...