Who Are We

Yerene Choi. the hyung. kyumin shipper addict. Yeye is in her heart, Mr. Angry Bird is controlling her mind./tumblr/blog/

DawnHae. the bully ;p and future best doc is Seoul. Kyu is #2, but when Wookie moves like Jagger, she can't cure herself./tumblr/blog/


SuperCien. forever in denial./tumblr/blog/


XmaKyu. Kyu. Kyu. Kyu. Kyu. Kyu. Kyu. Kyu. Kyu. Kyu. Kyu. Kyu. Kyu. Kyu. Kyu. Kyu. Kyu./tumblr/blog/

HeeEmmy. the maknae?. No, no, no, no, no!!! Pabo!! /tumblr/tumblr2/

***im such a troll evil laugh HAHAHA!!


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