Day 3 0f 30

I just got my passport. After waiting for them to validate it for about 10 minutes I finally got hold of my passport for the very first time.  Why is my pretty face all of a sudden different? I refuse to accept the fact that this ugly person is me (hahahahaha).
It has been a long time plan of mine to get a passport so that I can apply online for jobs out of the country but wasn’t really able to do that since I was either lazy or unmotivated. But now, since I wanna see the BOYS who have changed my life and made it a whole lot better, my passport was processed in just a breeze. Thanks to my friend j too, if not for her this wouldn’t be possible.
                The days go by so quickly and you’ll just be surprise when I’ll be writing on the very day of the Event that has made all things impossible now possible.


  1. "Why is my pretty face all of a sudden different? I refuse to accept the fact that this ugly person is me (hahahahaha)." WAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    congrats Yerene Choi!!! scan your passport photo, let me see. ahahahah

    btw, please edit my name.. change it to pocketstarfield or something.. ty!!!


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