Day 9. Super Show 4 Singapore Fan Projects

Here it is guys... the fan projects for SS4 SG!!! However, I can only find two atm. The projects are for Sungmin and Ryeowook.

Wookie Fan Project.

Support by holding up the handheld banner during Wookie's solo... The banner is free and will be distributed at the entrances on concert date. We need to email or tweet mention @ryeonggu621. Please do it guys!!

source: SS4 Singapore - Truly ELFs FB page

Sungmin Fan Project.
Let us all  Sing With Sungmin !! Yay! To raise funds for this project, we (the organizers) have created badges for you to purchase (designs can be found at the end of the post). All funds collated will go into the printing the handhelds and reflective banner used for his solo project in SS4 Singapore.

Prices for Badges
1) Buy 1 to 5 badges: $2.50 each
2) Buy 5 badges & above: $2.00 each
3) Sungmin Special Badge Set (incl. Do-Re-Mi, Marilyn & Mr Simple design): $7.00 per set
4) SS4 Do-Re-Mi Special Badge Set (all 9 members): $16.00 per set
5) Complete Set (all 11pcs): $20.00 per set

Order Closing Date
3rd Feb 2012

11 Feb 2012 onwards & on Concert Days

How to Order
Email to
(you may also forward any questions to this email)

Payment details will be replied thru email after you had placed your order.
Source: SS4 Singapore - Truly ELFs FB page

Our Love Support Project
This fan project is for Super Junior when they sing "Our Love". Our fellow SG ELFs asks us to hold up the handheld banner during this song. Plus, there is a fanchant for this song, which we should all memorize. Hehe. Details on how to receive the banner is as follows:
Bank transfer can be made to POSB Saving: 547-80302-7
Drop us an email after the transaction so that we can check. Thanks!
Email :

That is all I can find for now, guys... If you happen to know other fan projects, please update the post or leave a comment. tnx tnx. More updates on SS4 SG, visit SS4 Singapore - Truly ELFs.

ps: When Wookie moves like jagger, will I still be able to raise that banner???!! trolololol

btw, I am queueing all my posts coz I will be very busy with work (poor me). Yerene, please follow on how we could all join the fan projects. TYVM!


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