ELF Calling SISTIC Customer Service

January 15, 2012
Public booking for Super Show 4 Singapore

Call 1

Dial (65) 6348-5555
ELF: on hold for more than 15-30 minutes already
Rep: Welcome to SISTIC ... something something etc
ELF: May I know the available seats for Super Show 4?
Rep: There are no more available seats. It's sold out.
ELF: Oh.
end of call.

Call 2

Dial (65) 6348-5555
ELF: on hold for more than 15-30 minutes already
Rep: Welcome to SISTIC ... something something etc
ELF: May I know the available seats for Super Show 4?
Rep: couldn't hear what he said
ELF: May you please repeat what you said?
Rep: still couldn't hear... dogs barking and chickens clucking and crowing everywhere waaaa!!!
ELF: I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you. What are the available seats again?
Rep: The available seats are for CAT 2 and 8.
ELF: Ahh.. Cat 2 and 8. Could you please hold a moment while I ask my friends..
Rep: Sure.
ELF: shouting in the background. "GUYS, CAT 2 & 8 ONLY!!! NOW WHAT???!!!!!
ELF: Hello, Sir? Thank you for waiting. I'm sorry we are so loud.
Rep: Oh, it's okay.
ELF: Sir, are there still other seats available?
Rep: ... dead air
ELF: Sir....sir, can you please recheck? Please pleassssseeeee... almost crying now
Rep: Only Cat 2 and 8 are available.
dead air
ELF: Okay. We will take it.
ELF: Hellooooo??? checks phone. Waaa no more call credits!!

PS: thank you to that SISTIC rep who endure enough for us. thank you.


  1. waaahhhh haaahahahahahaha...
    I never thought you would post this funny experience...
    I still see that look in your face!!!!


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