So, I'm really going to SS4 SG?!!!!!! waaaa!!!

I wrote this post during my one hour break, right after I "attended" the Super Junior's Super Show 4 in Seoul via tumblr last November 19, 2011.

-------- On Sat Nov 19 04:51:57 SGT 2011, I wrote:

I am writing this in the aftermath of SS4 Seoul. Whoa!! It is gonna be the last series of supershows for a long time. If only I am the richest ELF in the world, I would definitely attend every supershow. Haha! But anyhow, despite only being able to listen to the show's audio and seeing lq twitter photos, it was an amazing experience!! I was really excited because it was like my first supershow ever!! I felt somewhat sad too because i felt that I will be missing a lot of things,especially now that ss4 ph is not really sure*. Thinking about that this time makes me sad again.

Well, let's get back to concert!! LOL, i am speaking as if I was really at the stadium and watched it live. Haha! Somehow it felt like it. Notwithstanding the countless of times, the audio and internet connection broke off, it was really awesome. And I am not even talking about the things that happened in the concert yet! What the!!!

I only slept for 4 hours today because I had to watch the show really early!! i mean, listen to the audio and wait patiently in twitter for the pictures from the show to be posted. Sigh, the life of an i-ELF. But it was all worth it!! Our fellow ELFs were so helpful, they updated about the show. I do hope they have enjoyed what they saw.

I just can't imagine how it will be like for me to really be able to attend a supershow live. Will I live afterwards? Hahaha! What a foolish question. But I will not dwell on that for now. Our goal is to forever protect them. Waaaaa!!! but ss4ph please.

I feel so energized today, must be an after effect of the show. What more if I will watch it live!!! I really cannot live with 4 hours of sleep, except on special occasions like this!! HAHA!! If wookie's solo song plays in the production floor, i just cant stop myself asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiopp[zzxcvbnm,.asdfghjk!!! hahahahha! So this is the life.

* * *

This post was written, saved, and sent "illegally" to my own email address while I was at work. (yeah, we are unable to access non-work related sites huhu) 

And now, I am preparing myself to go to SS4 Singapore!! Will I live afterwards? I'm still not sure. Haha! We already got the tickets and stuff, just 30 days to goooooooo!!!!! waaaaaa!!!!!

Oh god and the universe, please let everything work out fine ^_^


  1. hey. you might be interested in this led concert board for your super show 4 :)

    1. Wow Thanks!! This is definitely creative and fun. We will look into this. :-)


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