Five Days Ago
Five days ago,
I went back to work.
Chatting. Staring into space.
Thinking about the day
That is February eighteenth.
I was at work.
Chatting. Staring into space.
Thinking about the day
That is February eighteenth.
Am I really going to wear a skirt??!
Haha. Still I did not get a day off.
Three days ago,
I was at work.
Chatting. Staring into space.
Thinking about the day
That is February eighteenth.
Oh yeah!! 16th-20th
Two days ago,
I was at home.
Lying in bed. Staring at the
Thinking about the day
That is February eighteenth.
The earth roared
As I thought I was in a daze.
You can quake now
But not on the 18th or 19th.
One day ago,
I was at jcentre.
Strolling the mall. Humongous
maleta in tow.
Rocking Rukkogo at the
The things you do with other
HeeEmmy and Yerene Choi!!
So that was five days ago.
Here I am writing cool
In verse I didn’t knew
and it’s a lame excuse too.
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