My Super Show Escapade in Singapore

I am having a hard time organizing my thoughts while writing this. I have this post depression again and I just can’t help my self from going blank at times. I even spent the whole day sleeping after I arrived from the trip and wished to see them in my dreams. I also had these flashbacks of the times that SJ was just less than a meter from me…

This trip means so much to me since aside from being it the first time that I get to travel abroad with my close friends and seeing the Boys that has changed my life so much in the flesh, this trip was also the first time that my parents especially my father supported me whole heartedly. He was even excited and kept on reminding me to take good care of my self.
The day before the trip was so stressful since Joan and I need to do the shopping for our food and other stuffs needed for the trip, we also had to look for the money changer and the pump that we were supposed to use for our fan project. We then packed the luggage and made sure we don’t go over our allowed weight. But what stressed Joan the most was that when Emmy’s ticket showed her last name as her middle name and her middle name was her last name. We didn’t know what to do and why does it have to be on the day before the trip. Good thing the customer service representative was so kind enough to help us and solved the problem.
On the very day of the trip I woke up at around 2:30 am and did not want to sleep back. I did my nails that early and made my handhelds and double checked on my things to bring. I even queue my post in twitter so that somehow I would still be able to update without any connection.  By 9:30 I was ready to leave the house to meet-up with Joan and head for Dawnhae’s house, where she still needs to go and do her clinic duty before the trip so we took her bag with us to the airport and meet her up there before check-in.
When all the inspections and interviews were completed, we happily settled our selves in the waiting lounge, waiting to board the plane. While waiting, we took our “before takeoff” photos and laughing together, others were even looking at us. When suddenly I heard my name being called to approach any check-in personnel, they were asking where my other companions are since she only saw two of us who approached her during check in. It was because the others did not submit a copy of the terminal fee paid. That was our first ever epic fail during the trip. But how are we supposed to know when we were not even told about it…
We arrived 30 minutes earlier than expected. Singapore was indeed clean and organized. It wasn’t hard to communicate with others since they speak good English too. We took a lot of copies for their Map so that we could study it for our trip on the next day. I had a good time chatting with Mr. Taxi Driver; he was very friendly and even gave us tips about his country. He even helped us out to look for our hostel.
Thank You Ideal Backpackers for a warm and cozy place to stay. I will surely stay there again when I get back.
We were excited for our day tour before the concert so we decided to leave early and to do that I told Emmy to set the alarm which is a Laughing Out Loud Heechul at 3:30 am. Unfortunately, I think Chul was not in the condition to laugh that loud so I was not able to awake on time, we all started preparing around 5:30 am and only left the hostel around 7am which was still very early for them. Rush hour for them was around 9-10am.
I was so excited to board the train; it was my very first time. We had to buy a one way ticket to Raffles Place so that we can purchase our Tourist Pass that gave us unlimited pass for the MRT and Buses for 2 days. I even almost went off the wrong stop because of my excitement.
The first place we explored was Raffles where the famous Mer-Lion is located. But before we got there we had been walking back and fort the streets since we failed to see any traces of it. We had our first glimpse of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel where the boys were checked-in. We also saw the Singapore Flyer from the spot where the Mer-Lion was so we decided not to go to that place anymore since we were already able to take photos from afar.
Our next stop was Bugis; this place is known for good buys and affordable delicious street foods. But since we were there early and Bugis is more of a night life we ended up eating at McDonalds that does not have any rice at all and we were just having bread and tasteless eggs. We were so hungry since all we had to eat was noodles since our arrival, as Joan would say; “I never knew noodles could taste this good.”
After enjoying our meal we head for the MRT station to ride the trip bound for Marina Bay, we planned of going to Marina Bay Sands Hotel to hopefully stalk the Boys. After the MRT trip we still had to ride the bus to drop us off at the hotel. When we were about to come to a stop, all 5 of us stood up and ready to get off when suddenly the bus halted abruptly that made all of us fell down. Imagine all 5 of us!
We then tried the Sky Park just to get a glimpse of the Infinity Pool hoping that the Boys were there but it was too far for us to see clearly and we bet by that time they were already at the stadium rehearsing. So we decided to go home and prepare ourselves for the first day of the Super Show 4; but before that we toured around The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands. The Place was very huge. All signature brands that you could think of was there, it was like being at the Orchard Park. There was even a Narnia exhibit and an LG Store that had Siwon’s standee that I did not dare go near it, I can’t imagine what I might do with it.
 At the venue of the concert, we were so amazed with the number of people who came to watch it; some were even trying their luck on available tickets. My friend Dawnhae was tensed and stressed while we both line up to claim the tickets for the first day. It was because we only have one photocopy of her Dad’s passport and credit card which is a must to claim the tickets. It was a good thing that the lady in the counter was so kind to just have it photocopied and returned the original to us to use it for the next day. Before lining up to enter the stadium we decided to eat first at a restaurant who offered Super Junior Menu (who the waitress was a Pinay, she even told us to enjoy the concert) which we did not really get to enjoy since we ate it in a hurry; scared of being late since the concert starts at 6pm. But on our way there we found this Merchandise Sellers and a group of Sungmin Biased who gave photo cards. I was happy to be able to grab one but I was practically looking out for those who were giving out handhelds for fan projects, it would be a good souvenir.  We even saw light sticks sold for 10 SGD each and we all bought one since my special Siwon light stick broke a few hours before the concert. Dawnhae and Joan bought an SS4 T-shirt and Chrisma got herself a SuJu Desk Calendar. I was hoping to get the SS4 official pillow and blanket set but aside from the line being so long, it was no longer available. Guess we were not meant to be.
The stadium was fully packed. It feels so good to be with your fellow ELFs. I was even more amazed when the lights were turned off and I saw the Sapphire Blue Ocean and was able to take part of it. Then the much awaited VCR, the underwater scene.  The boys came out with the first song Superman. The show was great; it feels like I was not breathing the whole time. I lost my voice while it was just the first half but that did not stop me from screaming out loud. I will not talk much about the show since I will have a different post for that. When we got home, my friends and I especially Joan and Dawnhae were at a state of shock; since it was our very first time seeing the Boys in flesh. Joan even slept without changing her clothes.

On the second day of our Singapore trip we decided to spend time at Sentosa, and guess what we found rice. We finally get to eat rice again…hahahahaha. We missed how it tasted; it has been a long time since we had it. We were also able to find a stall that sells T-shirts and key chains with Singapore prints, something to bring home for our loved ones. I felt sorry for Chrisma since I know she wanted to try the Cable car and the Roller Coaster.
It was almost 12 noon when we head back to the hostel and we were supposed to be out by then or else they would think we will be extending. Since we were in such a hurry we rode the wrong train that was heading the other way around. If I was not listening carefully we might have gone further, so we arrived past 12nn at the hostel. It was good that they were so kind to give us time to pack up our things completely.
Joan wanted to ride the bus for the last time so we decided to get on one on our way to the stadium. But looking for the bus was not easy; we had to go from one stop to another to locate it and the waiting time says 20 minutes but that would be from the time that the bus parks at that certain stop. Since all of us were excited we got off the bus too early not knowing it has another stop right in front of the stadium. Hahaha…
We were again early for the 2nd day of SS4, so we decided using the hand-outs that was given to us at the venue; we made improvised hand-held for Zhou Mi, Henry, Shindong, Yeye and towels saying “Mr. Choi Siwon show me Yours” and “Siwon and Donghae take it off.” Joan added some “do it do it” to her Hyukjae towel. Chrisma made her We ♥ SUJU Philippines that luckily caught Leeteuk’s attention when he was thanking the fans and mentions the international ELFs who came to watch the show. I was so happy since at last I met the volunteers who were giving out Wookie’s handheld and inside the stadium were those giving out the “Our Love” handhelds.
Before we finally settled in our day 2 seats we had to plan out very well what to do for our ninja mode. We don’t want to end the show without getting the chance to see them up close. Dawnhae and I left our seats during the “Oppa has Risen” perf and went down where we could go near the ramps where they would stand at times. Dawnhae was on the right side while I was at the left. It feels like heaven when I get to see them all so close (again, I will not talk much about it since it will be another entry).
My heart almost melted when they sang the last song and I knew it would end soon. While saying their farewell I managed to somehow pick-up some more handhelds for Sungmin, Yesung and Hyukjae.
My heart stopped beating again. The trip was worth it, it will always be treasured in my heart. I may not have taken photos or recorded fan cams but the memory I spent with the boys is priceless. While on the plane I can’t stop crying, even up till now. I will always treasure those moments and I will surely not stop there. It may take some time to get over it; it would be hard as well.

See you when I see You Boys. Thank you Singapore for being a part of my most wonderful experience;  I will surely be back, I promise. Thank you to my parents and my whole family who has supported me all the way. Thank You to my friends, Heemmy, Chrisma, Dawnhae, Joan for that bonding we’ve all shared. Thank You to Maeka, Sands, Wenela and Glesh; in you I found a family. Thank You to my special friend (I hope you know who you are) who has helped me make this decision and for making me realize my dreams. Thank you Super Junior for making me feel loved and for completely changing my life and lastly Thank You God for everything. I can’t thank you enough for blessing me this much.


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