I Will Surely Not Stop Here
This is a re-post from my very own blog but I decided to share it here as well as part of this blog...
It took me 2 weeks to finally decide and write this one out
of my mind. It was a long and hard process; getting over the experience was
really difficult. Until this very moment every time I close my eyes I can still
imagine my self standing inside the stadium cheering at the top of my voice and
singing out loud to the songs they were singing in that 2 unforgettable nights.
February 18 and 19 2012, Super Junior held their Super Show 4 in the Singapore
Indoor Stadium and I was one of the luckiest people to have been able to join
and experience the breath-taking concert.
Fireworks, Water Fountains, loud surround music, VCRs, 37 songs,
costume, loads of fan service, extravagant solo stages and Boys themselves made
it a Super Show indeed.
For a first time ELF like me, watching a SUPER SHOW is a
must. Watching it in a different country is surely another Big thing or should
I say Super Thing. J, Dawn and I were first timers; unlike Emmy and Chrisma
who already watched SS3 in Manila. It was also our first time to travel to a
different country, for Dawn and J it was their first time to board a plane.
When I reached Singapore, I couldn’t explain the feeling. I feel so happy that
the Boys and I are now under the same sky and we could almost breathe in the
same air. The more it was when I entered the Singapore Indoor Stadium since we
are now under the same roof. I never thought that it would be that big, the
stage was huge and a lot of people were also there to enjoy the show. I can’t sit
still and I was getting excited in every minute that would pass. The moment the
lights were turned off my heart stopped from beating too, the much awaited
under-water VCR or we call it the 4th gate was then playing on the
large LCD screens. The Sapphire Blue Ocean was clearly waving as everyone was
calling out the Boys’ names. I was one proud ELF to be a part of the Sapphire
Blue Ocean for the first time on my very first Super Show.
boys started with one of my favorite song- Superman; the fountain and the
fireworks were amazing. I was doing my fan chant and at the same time singing
along with them. I remembered crying since I just can’t believe my eyes that I
am seeing them. They followed it with the song Opera which has great dance
moves, the always present songs Twins and A Man in Love where Kyuhyun again
appears and disappears from the scene. After a VCR they once appeared on the
stage with another of my favorite song BONAMANA. After that song the Boys
introduced themselves and for the first time I heard them talking in person and
right before my very eyes. The boys started moving around the stage when they
sang You Are My Endless Love.
I will
surely run out of words if I will talk about everything I saw that day, so I
will just do it this way. I will follow the Solo Stage Sequence:
– I was not able to see him up close on both days that I watched the concert,
maybe it was because they didn’t really come out that often. On the first day
he sang Lazy Song and on the second day he sang another song which was Off My
Mind. My favorite though was his version of Lighters by Bruno Mars. He played
the violin so well, besides that fact that he did sing the song beautifully.
– It was my first time spazzing for Hyuk. Not because I like him less than the
others but because J will really kill me if I do. I was amazed by the huge
jewel in the center of the stage that reflected the lights that hit it. At
first I thought it was Shindong who will come out from it after learning he was
doing Trouble Maker and Bubble Pop. But when the music started and everyone
else except us started chanting “Lee Hyukjae, Lee Hyukjae” our eyes was like
saucers. What a fail! I got the chance to see him closely. He was soo handsome
and I never thought that he would look that good considering the fact that the
other members would say he was the least good looking. Asking the fans what his
name is was so cute, and on the second day he even said he will be a different
star; he is Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp and Choi Siwon (hahahahaha).I
even spazz harder when I heard him talking…I just can’t describe it, but
Hyukjae was one of the most memorable person from me that night. “Tis
is not shnow…Tis is pepper”
– OMG!!! My Sungmin is one of the reasons why I really wanted to see SS4. I
wanted to see how pretty (regardless if he’s a man; for me he doesn’t look like
one) he is. He is so DAMN (pardon for the word) perfect in my eyes. He was
flawless and “milky white skin” it is. I was sort of disappointed by how
limited Kyumin (I’m a shipper of this OTP) moments are, but I surely treasured
it. There was a time on the first day where they formed a heart together during
the “You and I” perf. Kyuhyun even let
Sungmin bite his apple during the “Pajama Party” perf and even stood beside
each other parting their bangs. I also got to see him up close and during that
time he and Siwon was doing fan service by forming a heart shaped arms
together. But my favorite was his Solo Stage, where he sang and dance; sexy
dancing. How I wished I was that dancer whom he touched and danced with. Just
thinking about it makes me super happy all over again as if I’m back to that
very day.
– He followed Sungmin’s perf (^_^)…
Singing “ Isn't She Lovely” stole a lot of hearts away; including mine.
He was the best among all of them when it comes to fan service. He even worried
about those who were located almost near the roof if they could still see them
from the stage. He made sure to it that he would reach every corner of the
stadium. He even stood in front of me for about 5 minutes just to waive at fans
and allow them to take his photo. I was trying my very best to shout his
name even if my voice was failing, lucky enough he still looked my way for a
few seconds and I almost died.
– I don’t really spazz for Wookie that much since for me he is like a child,
but don’t get me wrong I still love him. Wookie looked like a doll, he was soo
cute and pretty. I also got to see him closely since he also stood in front of
me while taking Polaroid photos with fans. He smiles like a child and I really
loved how kind he is to fans who were really trying there best to get a photo.
During his most awaited perf of the song “Moves Like Jagger” at the first day
we were disappointed since we were sitting at the left side and he lifted his
shirt at the right; showing his abs. At the end of his first day perf he smiled
and even did the peace sign after singing and dancing like an all grown up man
which really made me wanna pinch his cheeks. However on the second day of the
concert, we were now located at the right side and on that very moment he
lifted his shirt on our side we all went crazy and I was like OMG…s*** Wookie
wae so hot!!! Even my friend Dawn almost wanted to jump down from where we were
located which was about 10 ft or more.
– My favorite leader, person and oppa. He always amazes me, he has never failed
to make me feel; a midst all those ELFs who were at the concert that I as an ELF
was loved and appreciated. He has bowed at every corner of the stadium and said
his thank you to everyone. He even called out the Philippines when he was
thanking the international fans who came since my friend Chrisma made a banner
that says “We Love SJ Philippines”. I so wanted to get one of the roses he was
giving away during his solo stage while singing “She”. I was sort of
disappointed when he did not get into a harness and flew above the ELFs while
throwing away his roses. Oh how I wish you wouldn’t leave the Boys behind for 2
years. I will always have that respect for you “ahjusshi”.
– waaaahhhhhhaaaahhhhaaahhhaaa… I was left speechless. His was one of my
favorite perfs during the concert. I love the song “Trouble Maker” and I always
love Shindong’s antics which made it a total performance for me. During his
solo stage while he went at the back of that thing that shows his silhouette
people were screaming out loud seeing him doing sexy moves but me and my
friends were screaming because we could see Shindong from our spot stripping
his dress while preparing for his next song which was “Bubble Pop”. Not to
mention his laser show was also Daebak! We even made our banner especially for
Zhou Mi – I love this guy. He always has that amazing charm
and talent. Before I went to Singapore I was reading through “tumblr” and saw
that some were planning a “black sea” for Zhou Mi. Meaning they would put off
their lightsticks on his perf. I was soo glad that did not happen. He did not
sing “Because of You" on his solo stage, instead it was a Chinese song which I
later found out was part of “Skip Beat’s OST - Goodbye”. J, Dawn, Emmy and I were screaming
so hard to cheer for him and on the second day we made a Banner just for him
which was very visible according to Chrisma who was seated somewhere else.
– well Yesung, what can I say to you. You are the very reason I became an ELF
because I fell in love with you. I told my self I wanted to be in the Super
Show because I wanted to see you in person. I could not bear listening to that
song you sang because I don't want to cry and accept the reality that you are
not singing it just for me but for everyone else (I know it sounds crazy, but
what can I do; I really loved this guy). His song goes like this although it's now in English sub: “There's a man who loves you so much.
There’s a man who can't even say I love you. By your side I put my hand out and
at a path where you can always reach me. I, who cherishes you, more than
myself, am with you.” I soo wanted to see you smile and happy that
time. I was glad to see you close. When I get my chance someday I would do my
very best to let you know how thankful I am for pulling me out of the dark;
thank you for singing that song. It may not be “It Has To Be You” but you will
always be that “One Man” for me. “There's a girl, who doesn't know I'm like
this. Who receives love, but doesn't even know that it is love. Leaving you,
who is as foolish as I and sad. At this moment tears come but I'm happy. It's
because you're by my side.” You are always my Kim Yeye.
– How ironic, first the Man who made me an ELF sang first and next in line was
the Man who took me away from him (although I haven’t decided yet). Siwon oppa,
you took my breath away. Live hip thrust and his “chocolate abs” in the flesh.
I can’t help but admire the man more. While he was singing on his solo stage I
just waved my lightstick admiring how he sings his heart out. I was not
shouting or calling out his name since he was singing a song of praise. Maybe
what I love most about him is his love for God and is never ashamed of showing
it. I loved how playful he was during the entire show and how happy he was the
whole time. I was also able to see him up close.
– I know he made my friend Dawn so happy when he sang “This is Love” as part of
his solo stage before singing “Oppa has Risen” with Hyukjae. He too was really
good looking; I got the chance to see him up close and was amazed at how
handsome this guy is. “He looked like a Doll” according to J. He was one of
the most manic during the first day; and on the second day he stole a lot of
hearts when he said “I locked all the doors so that we could spend the night
together”. He even lay down the stage and stretched his arms so that someone
could lay down on it too. I know that Dawn wanted to be that girl ^_^.
What I
love most during the concert was the Storm and Our Love perfs. The Boys never
fails to have a perf where they get to tribute the ELFs. It was so heartwarming
seeing them crying when we get to sing the chorus of “Our Love”. It will surely
be an experience to last a lifetime. I will never forget that nights and how
much love I felt. I will surely not stop now, not ever. I felt sad when the
concert ended the second day since I know that it will also be the end of
happiness. But it was just temporary, I will surely see them again and that
will be whole new experience. I’ll see them when I see them. I just pray that
God will keep them safe until we meet again. I finally realized that my life
has a direction, a lifetime promise to the Boys that for every show they will
have from this day on, I will surely be a part of it.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! kahilakon ko! T.T