Signing Off...Till Next Time

Now that I’m down with my final entry on this blog, I happen to recall those times when I was soo eager to share a piece of me and my SS4SG preparation; but now since it will be last entry I will ever write here I just don’t think that I can do it.

For the umpteenth time; as what I frequently mention in my previous blogs – this will not be the end and I will surely not stop here. Now that for the first time in my life I’ve never seen a clearer view of my direction in life; I will definitely continue fighting for it. 

I was glad to see the boys, so glad to part of the Super Show for the first time and waved with the Sapphire Blue Sea. I can’t thank God and everyone else who made this possible.

Thank You to my family, my friends, my work mates and my supervisors for granting my leave from work for first time that went as long as almost a week. Thank you to Cebu Pacific for the safe flight, to Mr. Daniel Fontanar (Dawnhae’s Dad). Thank you to Singapore for being a NO VISA country.

Lastly to the Boys who made all of it worth it.

Thank You Henry for your beautiful rendition of Lighters.

Thank You Zhou Mi for the song “Goodbye”. It will definitely be not the last time I’ll see you.

Thank You Shindong for dressing as Hyuna and doing my favorite song “Trouble Maker”

Thank You Donghae for “This is Love and “Oppa has Risen” and for closing the doors of the stadium for us to spend the night together.

Thank You Ryeowook for the abs that “Moves like a Jagger” and for your cuteness.

Thank You Leeteuk for being so active and singing “She”. I still hoped that I was the one you hugged at the end.

Thank You Kyuhyun for your sincerity and concern to everyone who came and watched.

Thank You Hyukjae for proving that beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.

Thank You Yesung for that wonderful song, you never failed to take my breath away.

Thank You Sungmin for your cuteness. You are truly beautiful in my eyes; that sexy performance was so hot.

Thank You Siwon for making me love you even more. 

It was a truly memorable experience. Hope to see you on our next adventures as ELFs.

This has been Missy Airene a.k.a Yerene Kim Choi now Signing Off…


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