From 5 years to 5 days

The return of the Kpop Kings in Manila is finally happening. It has been 5 years since the last Super Show was held in the Philippines. October 24, 2012 - the day I first met the boys in Super Show 5 Manila.

The legendary group immediately started their Super Show 7 World Tour too soon, a month after Play album was released. And so, fans all over the world soar up their hopes for the group to make a stop in their country. Of course, that's includes us - Filipino fans who's now begging Pulp Live (organizer of the previous Super Shows in PH) to bring back the guys to PH.

Back to back announcements of SS7 stops has been announced but we always fail to rejoice.
The promoter - Happee Sy once said on her twitter that she'll definitely bring back the guys mid-2018. Normally the concerts are officially announced 2-3 months prior to give the fans enough time to save but the Super Show 7 Manila is yet too soon to come true but we are not losing our hopes.

April 2018, this time, we are very eager to know if SS7 would really have a stop in Manila. Yet again, no announcement received until May 2018. May 14, Happee Sy posted both on her twitter and Facebook accounts to save the date June 30, MOA Arena  - unofficially announcing SS7 Manila! I was in front of my laptop, half asleep, reading the announcement made me spill my coffee. >///<   May 19th, I can't forget this day. I attended a seminar not as an attendee but as the speaker, a new milestone for me but before that, 8:00 AM of the same day the much-awaited announcement is finally made by Pulp Live and Happee Sy. Super Show 7 Manila is happening on June 30 in MOA Arena. OMG!!! (Nakalimot ko kadyot nga naa koy seminar at 10AM. HAHAHA!)

And now, the waiting is down to 5 days. Everything is set from concert tickets to concert OOTDs.
We are ready to rock MOA Arena on Saturday!


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