Things To Do in SG

We are beyond excited. It's only less than a month and we are meeting Super Junior!!!!

To somehow distract ourselves from the sheer paranoia and OCD-ness over SS4, we made a list of the things that we will be doing in SG, aside from going to the concert of course. This list is not limited fangirling-related stuff. We will also be doing stuff regular tourists do. After all, this is our first trip to a foreign land. Gaaah! I think this list only increases ones anxiety and excitement over SJ and SS4 more. Haha! If other ELF are reading this, feel free to comment and suggest to us things we may do.

* STALK!! STALK!! STALK!! -- be discrete in being stalkers(haha! i cant imagine myself being this), research research - Swissotel, Baysands, etc etc...

* RIDE IN A CABLE CAR!! -- or is this only me? -- me too! waaa~! -if our budget allows us! LOL

* Fly!! THE FLYER --  i feel like an over-delusional ELF hoping we will meet and see SJ in these tourists spots. -still if our budget allows us! LOL

 *Take a pic with Singapore's Lion Statue -- uhmm I'm not really sure what's the name of the statue -.-  - Merlion?
*Trip to Universal Studios -- at least we should go there and take some awesome rides! - budget.. -_-

☼ To other admins, please enter your other goals or things to do in SG. You can edit the entire post if you like :-) Then Highlight your personal thoughts using the color of your choice.

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Chrisma Joyce


  1. dapat maglogin ka using the admin username and pw :-)
    it was in the email I sent.


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