Day 10. Of Fanchants and Singing One's Heart Out

So yeah, I am never the one to fully memorize all of SJ's songs consciously. Ahahahaha. But it's the Super Show!!!! I need to do this. I have a goal to lose all my voice in this once-in-a-lifetime event. I need to sing my heart out for Super Junior!! and good luck to the ELFs sitting next to me at the concert ;p

Everyone, I have compiled the fanchants for the concert that were posted by SS4 Singapore - Truly ELFs. Our ever helpful SG ELFs have organized it all for us. And they even hold practice sessions in their country. How about us? Will we be five lost souls during the Super Show? Oh no no no no no no. Don't fret, SuperCien is here. Wahaha!!

It's gonna be so much fun!! So many ELFs in one place, singing, dancing, laughing, shouting, fangirling, crying(?), having fun with Super Junior all at the same time! OH YEAH!! So here it is , the list. All fanchants were modified to fit the performances in super show 4. Video reference links are also found in the posts.

And yes, here is the list:


#4 A-CHA

Can you feel it? We are gonna be SOOOOOO LOOOOOUUUUUUUUDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!! WE NEED TO BE SO LOUD because our seats are in the jungle. If ever they will not have the time to look at us, at least they can HEAR us!! hehehe.

And guys, mark your calendars...We will have a practice session ha? During our final meetup on Feb 12. Whatchasay??? 


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