
Showing posts from 2012

Thirty Days After Super Show 4 in Singapore

Photos courtesy of xmakyu and heeemmy  We are packing up the blog and we will not be posting anymore. It was a great journey... And it has not even ended because it's always an AND  and because we are EVERLASTING FRIENDS  Photos courtesy of xmakyu and heeemmy

So what really happens when you go abroad just to see Super Junior

Yes, I did it. I saw Super Junior. I saw Lee Hyukjae. I went to Singapore. I became part of the sapphire blue sea. I originally wrote a thirteen page, blow-by-blow account of our journey to see Super Junior in a Super Show in Singapore. But I am too lazy to type it all in the computer :-/ Writing that was just perhaps a way for me to acknowledge that the things I did last February 18 and 19, 2012 really happened. That I can take that memory with me forever. That I have that experience stored in me, forever to treasure and be grateful for. Yeah. Maybe that's it.

The End Is Just The Beginning

I hope you guys had fun reading this blog. I have plans that has something to do with Korea and Petals so watch out for that. I‘m sorry it took me so long to post this. Take care chingus and always have SJ in your hearts everlasting ^^

Signing Off...Till Next Time

Now that I’m down with my final entry on this blog, I happen to recall those times when I was soo eager to share a piece of me and my SS4SG preparation; but now since it will be last entry I will ever write here I just don’t think that I can do it. For the umpteenth time; as what I frequently mention in my previous blogs – this will not be the end and I will surely not stop here. Now that for the first time in my life I’ve never seen a clearer view of my direction in life; I will definitely continue fighting for it.  I was glad to see the boys, so glad to part of the Super Show for the first time and waved with the Sapphire Blue Sea. I can’t thank God and everyone else who made this possible. Thank You to my family, my friends, my work mates and my supervisors for granting my leave from work for first time that went as long as almost a week. Thank you to Cebu Pacific for the safe flight, to Mr. Daniel Fontanar (Dawnhae’s Dad). Tha...

It's not an "END" but an "AND"

This would be my last post on this blog (as agreed upon the admins), so I guess it's time to say my last words in here. First, I would like to thank God for the opportunity to see Super Junior again on their fourth Super Show concert, in the foreign land of Singapore. He made it all possible! I would also like to thank my awesomest ELFriends - Dawn, Emmy, J, and Airene, who were with me in this SS4 Singapore journey. You know I can't do this alone. I also thank my family and friends for always supporting me on this decision. I know most of them can't understand as to why I would go this far just to see my boys but I guess they saw how passionate and determined I was and that it's for my happiness. =) I know I will still be able to see Super Junior again soon. My wish for SS4 Manila is still on the list. As leader Teukie will always say, "it's not an 'end' but an 'and'" so I foresee another great Super Junior adventure for us. =D Than...

Final Say...

What should I say here? I'm not really sure... I don't want to end this blog but I guess I have to move on.   After SS4SG, I became so dysfunctional since I miss them everyday especially Donghae. I want more of them. Yes, I've become so greedy but if it's the only way to see them again, then just let me be greedy. Yes, I want more. I mean it. And I will make sure to achieve it. Going to Singapore and watching SS4 has been the happiest days of my life so far but I will make sure to have more in the future. Life is too short for me and I've wasted so many years of my life just doing nothing to make me happy. I thought I was happy being in love with someone but that person was also the reason of my heartbreak.  I never thought I would reach this phase of my life when 15 boys would be able to control everything. Sometimes I feel I'm too stressed for this but I don't regret anything. They are not just "celebrities" but they have become part...

What happens when you go abroad just to see Super Junior

I have put off writing this for the longest time. Well, because I want to keep those two fateful days/nights forever engraved in my heart (however that is). It seems that writing about it will make me acknowledge that it is all over. That the cynic in me will finally stop taunting me of the two "fateful" days I have to "pay for". And that the sentimental geek in me will really have to unpack and pore over the mounting junk ie memorabilia, photos, banners, lightsticks, stones (?) that I have acquired in my very brief trip. As of posting this, it has only been 18 days, 12 hours and 58 minutes since February 18th 2012. Gaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't write this


Hello everyone!!! It has been three weeks since Super Junior's Super Show 4 in Singapore. The blog has served its purpose in giving us a place to write and/or spazz about our preparation for the Singapore trip. We will forever treasure those days, won't we? Okay, we should.   Anyway, we are closing the blog exactly on March 18. The site will still be available in the internet, it's just that we will no longer be able to post and or update our posts. Don't worry, we could still keep on commenting on the posts you know. So everyone, it's time to write our final words of wisdom (haha). All posts should be in by 12 noon March 18. Thankies. Till then, it was fun while it lasted ☼

I Will Surely Not Stop Here

               This is a re-post from my very own blog but   I decided to share it here as well as part of this blog...                It took me 2 weeks to finally decide and write this one out of my mind. It was a long and hard process; getting over the experience was really difficult. Until this very moment every time I close my eyes I can still imagine my self standing inside the stadium cheering at the top of my voice and singing out loud to the songs they were singing in that 2 unforgettable nights.                 Last February 18 and 19 2012 , Super Junior held their Super Show 4 in the Singapore Indoor Stadium and I was one of the luckiest people to have been able to join and experience the breath-taking concert.  Fireworks, Water Fountains, loud surround music, VCRs, 37 songs, costume, loads of ...

My SS4 Singapore Fancams~!

This post from my blog is worthy of being posted here. ^^ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm very thankful that God blessed me with a lot of luck in Super Show 4 Singapore and successfully captured several fancams! You know that Singapore is very strict about their rules and it was strictly no video/camera recording but I guess God heard my prayers! =) Without further ado, here are my fancams, recorded by yours truly~ Intro+Superman   Bonamana Oops! Walkin' A-cha Mr. Simple Lovely Day DoReMi Sorry, Sorry Destiny I know my view isn't that great but I'm just too grateful that I can see my boys again and record some of their performances. I know for sure in the future, I will look back on these videos and reminisce one of my most awesome memories of my life. ♥

Post-SS4SG - part 2

These are my thoughts and messages for SUPER JUNIOR members after their 2-day concert at Singapore Indoor Stadium... Sorry if it's all messy. I just wanted to place everything before they get off my head. I hope you like it! (This became my new bias list in increasing order after SS4.. lol) Siwon  - holy shisus!!!! wae are your abs so amazing?!?! the moment i saw them live was daebak! waaaaaaaaaahhh!!! your abs are REAL!!!! i also loved how you interact with us elfs! you also made an eyecontact with me and smiled! OTL.. so amazing! i also loved your DO RE MI perf especially when you and shindong almost kissed because of donghae! haha! so funny! i also liked your appearance in hyukjae's part in OOPS when you kissed him in the cheek! kyaaaaaa!!! Henry - wae are you so cute???????????????? i love your perf! i love your energy! i love your english speaking skills that even the other members, especially siwon, were envious. haha. siwon splashed water to yo...

My Super Show Escapade in Singapore

I am having a hard time organizing my thoughts while writing this. I have this post depression again and I just can’t help my self from going blank at times. I even spent the whole day sleeping after I arrived from the trip and wished to see them in my dreams. I also had these flashbacks of the times that SJ was just less than a meter from me… This trip means so much to me since aside from being it the first time that I get to travel abroad with my close friends and seeing the Boys that has changed my life so much in the flesh, this trip was also the first time that my parents especially my father supported me whole heartedly. He was even excited and kept on reminding me to take good care of my self. The day before the trip was so stressful since Joan and I need to do the shopping for our food and other stuffs needed for the trip, we also had to look for the money changer and the pump that we were supposed to use for our fan project. We then packed the luggage and made su...

My SS4 Singapore Journey

A repost from my blog: Ok so I'm back home from Singapore from the awesome 2-night Super Show 4 concert of Super Junior in Singapore Indoor Stadium. I'm not sure how to start this since my mind is too full of the things that happened last weekend but I will try to remember every highlights that I can share. By the way, I broke my Kyuhyun lightstick...huhuhu T.T So I bought another lightstick, the small official one which I used in the concerts. SS4SG Day 1: I bought a Suju desk calendar! Yey, finally I can replace my 2011 Suju calendar on my desk at work! We ate at a cafe were there were Super Junior concert meal sets and all of us bought the Mr. Simple meat set. Their SS2 concert was playing on the monitor while we were eating. Such a good business trick. There was this rule of no video recording but I couldn't stop myself and with much luck, I managed to do several fancams! ♥ There were only two f(x) members. Only Sulli and Amber. How I wished Victoria was presen...