
Showing posts from February, 2012

Post-SS4SG - part 2

These are my thoughts and messages for SUPER JUNIOR members after their 2-day concert at Singapore Indoor Stadium... Sorry if it's all messy. I just wanted to place everything before they get off my head. I hope you like it! (This became my new bias list in increasing order after SS4.. lol) Siwon  - holy shisus!!!! wae are your abs so amazing?!?! the moment i saw them live was daebak! waaaaaaaaaahhh!!! your abs are REAL!!!! i also loved how you interact with us elfs! you also made an eyecontact with me and smiled! OTL.. so amazing! i also loved your DO RE MI perf especially when you and shindong almost kissed because of donghae! haha! so funny! i also liked your appearance in hyukjae's part in OOPS when you kissed him in the cheek! kyaaaaaa!!! Henry - wae are you so cute???????????????? i love your perf! i love your energy! i love your english speaking skills that even the other members, especially siwon, were envious. haha. siwon splashed water to yo...

My Super Show Escapade in Singapore

I am having a hard time organizing my thoughts while writing this. I have this post depression again and I just can’t help my self from going blank at times. I even spent the whole day sleeping after I arrived from the trip and wished to see them in my dreams. I also had these flashbacks of the times that SJ was just less than a meter from me… This trip means so much to me since aside from being it the first time that I get to travel abroad with my close friends and seeing the Boys that has changed my life so much in the flesh, this trip was also the first time that my parents especially my father supported me whole heartedly. He was even excited and kept on reminding me to take good care of my self. The day before the trip was so stressful since Joan and I need to do the shopping for our food and other stuffs needed for the trip, we also had to look for the money changer and the pump that we were supposed to use for our fan project. We then packed the luggage and made su...

My SS4 Singapore Journey

A repost from my blog: Ok so I'm back home from Singapore from the awesome 2-night Super Show 4 concert of Super Junior in Singapore Indoor Stadium. I'm not sure how to start this since my mind is too full of the things that happened last weekend but I will try to remember every highlights that I can share. By the way, I broke my Kyuhyun lightstick...huhuhu T.T So I bought another lightstick, the small official one which I used in the concerts. SS4SG Day 1: I bought a Suju desk calendar! Yey, finally I can replace my 2011 Suju calendar on my desk at work! We ate at a cafe were there were Super Junior concert meal sets and all of us bought the Mr. Simple meat set. Their SS2 concert was playing on the monitor while we were eating. Such a good business trick. There was this rule of no video recording but I couldn't stop myself and with much luck, I managed to do several fancams! ♥ There were only two f(x) members. Only Sulli and Amber. How I wished Victoria was presen...

Post-SS4Sg part 1...

I.can' I.don' This trip has all my first times... It was the first time I went to a trip with friends only. It was the first time that I rode an airplane. It was my first time to go to a foreign country. It was the first time I watched a SUPER SHOW. And it was the first time I saw SUPER JUNIOR live and in the flesh... Last Friday, I was so stressed out. I didn't have enough sleep for the entire week due to excitement on the upcoming trip. I still had clinics duty on that day starting at 1:30PM to 5PM and out flight was at 7:55PM! I was so nervous that I might not be able to arrive at the airport on time. I was just glad that our clinics duty ended at around 4:30 so I was able to arrive at the airport on time. We had so many FAILS during at our trip but I think someone else would make an entry on those here so I will not mention them here.haha. At around 11:30 PM, our plane l...

Here @ Singapore The Arrival

Finally we arrived at Changi Airport safely. I'll make this trip memorable for all five of us. My Heenim maybe not be part of this year's concert, I'm here to support them as my family. See you tonight Singapore.

Why Am I Going?

When this post goes live in the webs, and for the Google bots to freely crawl upon, I am already aboard the very first airplane that I will ride in my entire life. Where am I going??? Well, I'm off to Singapore. Wae? Why? That is the question I am trying to answer in this post. Why Am I Going? I am going to see Super Junior in Singapore. That is why I’m going there. That is all there is. This group/band/people triggered in me the most trivial yet important question I should answer/act upon in my life. What is my life all about? What is the meaning behind all the things that have occurred? Or is it even necessary to find meaning, my meaning, in doing all these and going to Singapore to see SJ???!!!! Different people have different ways of being inspired, or being moved by a person, thing, event or occurrence to a point that one would take action just for the fulfillment of this goal/dream. Super Junior had this impact to me. Through SJ’s own ways, I realized...

Day 30 of 30: This is it~!!!

Today is the day we go to Singapore~! Wish us a safe trip! I'm seeing our boys again for the second and third time. THIS IS IT!!!!

super short post for the super show

im gonna see hyuk!!! giunsa man diay nimug abli ang sardinas? hahahah

This Is The Day...I'm dying from excitement

This is really is it!!!! I just cant' imagine my self doing this. But here I am, super excited and I just can't wait. I can't stop thanking the Lord God for making this happen. I must have done something right to deserve these. It's gonna be in a few hours and we will be boarding the plane. It feels like I have not slept at all, I feel tired but still I am happy.. Hoping for a good weather today, tomorrow and the day after next... Singapore Here WE Come!!!!

dysfunctionally excited

I have so many tasks to do to prepare myself for my Singapore trip. I have even asked my Team Leader at work if I could have one more day of leave since I haven't packed my bags yet. And my TL gladly agreed. But look at me now, I have not done a single worthwhile and productive thing. Gaaaaaahh!! I catch myself staring off into space, or smiling at myself (and even giggling all of a sudden) for no apparent reason. Well, perhaps it is because I am thinking of my trip to SG and the things that I will do there. Haha! I just never thought that I will be doing this! This , meaning everything , going out of my way to get a passport so suddenly, traveling to mountainous Cebu to get an NBI Clearance, showing up at work on time every time, getting a fringe 0.0 and regretting it, and flying to another land for the sole reason of seeing super junior in the flesh and being part of the sapphire blue sea. And to do that, I will literally have to cross the South China Sea. Oh we...

Day 28 of 30: Lot of Luck

I need a lot of luck! Sorry but I would really like to do pics and fancams. Please bless me a lot of luck Lord~! =D By the way, I already exchanged my Philippine peso bills to Singaporean dollars. When my money was converted, the number of bills became fewer like almost half...haha! And the face on the money looks the same in all the bills unlike in the Philippine peso that we have different model faces in every kind of bill/coin! XD Anyway, good luck and God bless to us all~! ♥

Mae's ELF words of the wise :D

My excited fellow ELFs asked me to post something here. So to show that I'm so honored I am now putting on my Nerd look to come up with some sort of list. wait let me stare off into space for a bit...   All right just a bit more concentration:  Ok some pointers and tips when attending a Super Show concert (though Im not the best person who can give you tips ) Before the escapade (I can see that you were better prepared than I was) Pack your stuff which I believe you guys did a few days ago. It would really be cool if you have customized SJ tees, SJ stuff, light sticks, banners, well you get the point..It is an ELF must have :P I believe a CAMERA is the most essential for this trip I tell you. Please don't forget it since I really would like to see your adventure when you come back. Pack a gum. Any chewing gums will do. I remember I was the only one who brought gums and everyone was asking one from me on the plane. Did you know, gums helps your ears while on a very...

SS4 Singapore Weather Forecast

We should be prepared guys ;p

Day 27 of 30: Reminiscing My SS3 Manila Journey

So I promised my dear ELFriends to share my fancams from my SS3 Manila journey. I only had three but they are very precious to me. I feel very happy every time I watch these videos. Please bear the fangirls' screams =D. Without further ado, here they are: Intro+ Sorry, Sorry Don't Don No Other Bonus pics: Kyu with his sexy hip thrust in 'A Man in Love'. ♥ Henry with his piano version of 'Baby'. Shindong, Donghae, and Eunhyuk with their 'Single Ladies' dance. and yours truly at SS3 Manila~ ♥ I really hope I could still capture videos and pics in SS4 Singapore. I really wish I could... T.T

Happy QuirkyAlone Day!!!

quirkyalone for you? Quirkyalone:  n. adj.  a person who enjoys being single (but is not opposed to being in a relationship) and prefers being single to dating for the sake of dating. It’s a mindset. Quirkyalone is not anti-love. It is pro-love. It is not anti-dating. It is anti-compulsory dating. Quirkyalone is a  book , a  holiday , and a movement . 

God loves me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ASHDAJGFHASJHDGFJSADHGFAJHSDGFALJSGFASJHGFSAHDGFDGHG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These are all my feelings right now... It is a mixture of excitement, happiness, anxiety and fear all in one!!! I just received my schedule for this week and the next successive weeks until March and hksdfhskjdghalhgasj!!!!!! XD Feb 17 (this was supposedly our CLINICS day, which I sincerely prayed would be changed to LAB day) - even groups MICROBIOLOGY LAB!!!!!! Feb 20  (this was supposedly our LONG QUIZ 5 day, which I sincerely prayed would be CANCELLED) -  NO EXAM YET ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2012 CAN YOU FEEL WHAT I'M FEELING RIGHT NOW?!?!?!!?!??!?!?! :D - dawnhae -

Day 26 of 30: Start Packing~!

A few more days and I'll be traveling outside of the Philippines for the first time in my life....and this is all because of Super Junior~! XD Anyhow, since it's four more days 'til we embark this impulsive journey of ours and I'm already in my SS4 spazz mode, I started packing my stuff last night and I was really confused on the clothes I'm going to wear. I'm really picky when it comes to clothes I bring on travels and this time it's more special since it's Singapore and a funny thought in my mind will pop telling me that how lucky will be the clothes that I'm bringing with My bag is heavy. T.T Hopefully I can have this checked-in, that is, if there is still available kilograms for my bag. =D By the way, I had a hair makeover. It's nothing special. I just wanted a different look. You guys will see it on Friday~! hahaha XD

Something's Wrong with our countdown. TROLOLOL!!!!


I haven't packed my bags...

and it's in five days!! five days!! five days!! five days!! five days! FIVE DAYS!!! 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!

Travel Tips 101 for Singapore Tourists

I really want to be as prepared as I can be when I get o Singapore...So I have been searching for travel tips every time I don't get caught up with my Fan Fic Reading...Here is some of the tips I got... Do: a. Pack for very hot, very humid weather. That is, wear light woven cottons and open toed shoes. However, do bring a sweater and one pair of long trousers in case you are going into an indoor area with very cold air-con (eg, movie theaters, restaurants) b. Bring a camera. c. Bring sunscreen d. Bring a small umbrella (but you can buy one off the street if you don't want to carry one). hahaha...It's really a must... e. Bring $$$, rather than stuff f. Travel light you can get anything you want there. g. Go to the Bugis Market at night it's awesome and cheap t-shirts among other things. h. Do not take a taxi from the Airport, the subway is right downstairs and costs about $1.50 to the city. Don'ts: f. Don't expect an exotic destination. ...

Estimated Fare Rates (to be updated)

1. Kallang MRT to Singapore Indoor Stadium (SIS) *walk - 27 mins 2.1 km - $0 *taxi -  8 mins - $4.54 *train+bus - 23 mins - $1.18 - 1 transfer 2.  Kallang MRT to Singapore Flyer *walk - 46 mins 3.6 km - $0 *taxi - 8 mins $5.76 *train+bus - 30 mins - $1.32 - 1 transfer(with 453 m walk) *train only - 26 mins - $0.83 - no transfer(with 1.3km walk 7 mins) 3. Singapore Flyer (promenade station) to Marina Bay Sands *walk - 26 mins 2km -$0 *taxi - 6 mins - $4.10 *train - 15 mins $0.83 4. Marina Bay Sands to Sentosa *walk - 1 hr 35 mins 7.6 km - $0 *taxi - 20 mins $11.82 *train+bus - 34 mins $4.03 - 1 transfer 5. Sentosa to Kallang *walk - 8.7 km 1 hr 54 mins - $0 *taxi - 17 mins - $10.72 *train - 38 mins - $1.11 - 2 transfers *bus - 51 mins - $3.23 - 1 transfer Total train+bus fare for day1 : $8.92 ***I think dapat ta magpalit tag Singapore Visitor's Pass. $8 unlimited one day train and bus fares. $10 deposit.

Day 25 of 30

In a less than a week's time, I will be in a foreign land with the company of my friends who will watch the Best Show on Earth. This will be the first time that I will be traveling outside of my country. At first I was really hesitant of doing this, but when I finally realized how much this means to me (with the help of a good friend), fear has disappeared in my vocabulary. I pray that this will be a good trip, that I may be able to explore a lot of places and see a lot of people. I pray that we will be safe and have the best time of our lives... 5 days more to a Promise of a Lifetime Happiness!!!

Ideal Backpackers Hostel

Hyukcien... this is the right one... loool How to find us Our Address : 89 Geylang Road, Singapore 389203. Tel:(65) 6846 4741 -  By MRT Train:   At "Changi Airport" MRT Terminal, purchase a standard ticket $1.60 and board the East-West line (Green Line). At "Tanah Merah" train station (2nd stop from airport), you need to alight and make a train transfer. Alight and stay on the same platform, transfer to trains towards the city. About 20 minutes, alight at "Kallang" MRT station. Follow the map below and walk about 2 minutes to the our hostel. Note that train service stop operating daily till 12 midnight. Check  Train station timing -  By Taxi / Cab Outside airport terminal building, get to Taxi-stand, hire a taxi and tell taxi driver our hostel address. Taxe Fare during off-peak hour is approximately S$15-S$20. Peak-hours will cost about extra 30%. Night hours cost 50% extra. - dawnhae -