
Showing posts from January, 2012

After the Wreck, I Picked Myself Up, Spread My Wings, and Flew Away

First of all, the title of the post came from a book written by Joyce Carol Oates. Anyway, here is my post. After the Wreck.   The wreck was March 20, 2011 and the events leading up to that day. Basically like my whole life. I Picked Myself Up.   The wreck brought upon to me the realization that we could all go away into oblivion, nothing.  Spread My Wings. I needed a distraction. I needed to cope. And they were there.  And Flew Away.  Literally, I am flying away. To Singapore. Hopefully, it's not a way of coping anymore. It will be the fulfillment of a dream. This way, I'll not go away into oblivion, into nothing. ps: I have read the book even before The Wreck. It is only now that I've noticed the book cover color is also blue. How fitting. How coincidental?

Day 13 of 30: Block 334

Hmmm... I wasn't able to make an entry yesterday because I had to study for my Long Quiz 2 and Lab Quiz 1 today... Since I just got off that "I-don't-get-why-I-have-to-study-thousands-of-pages-for-a-total-of-50-item-exam" madness, I now have the time to make this entry. <sigh> Last night, as I was browsing my email, I saw the SISTIC confirmation email for our SS4 tickets again. And my face just became (0.0)! I only realized that our area was in block 334!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I thought that we would be in area 234 but no! It was 334!!!!! I accepted that I would stay at the "partial restricted view" area but I thought it would be at the terrace. Now I realized that we would be at the balcony!!!!! I almost cried last night after knowing this... And until now, I still feel bad! Worse even! I'm wondering if we could still "see" them in that area! Waaaaaaaaaa!!!!!  Right now, I know that I just have to accept everything as it is. I hope w...

Day 12 of 30: Flight Blues

I know that each time before I travel with a plane, I will always have a nightmare that I couldn't catch my flight and I would cry on my sleep. And this time it happened again. T.T Last night, I had a very long sleep. My dreams were different each time I'm half awaken but the last dream I had was, I wasn't able to go the airport for my Singapore flight T.T. I was thinking it was really true! I could have died in my sleep if I didn't wake up. The dream was, I was waiting for my uncle to drive me to the airport[he was a taxi driver in my dream but in reality, he's a PUJ driver -.-] but I saw him drive away, without me riding the taxi! I was really flustered and texted and called him so may times but he wouldn't answer at all. It's already two hours before my flight and still I couldn't contact him. It was raining in my dream and I was out of options [I'm not sure why], and one of my closest friends in elementary walked pass by our house and I had to ...

ELF Calling SISTIC Customer Service

January 15, 2012 Public booking for Super Show 4 Singapore Call 1 Dial (65) 6348-5555 ELF:  on hold for more than 15-30 minutes already Rep: Welcome to SISTIC ... something something etc ELF: May I know the available seats for Super Show 4? Rep: There are no more available seats. It's sold out. ELF: Oh. end of call. Call 2 Dial (65) 6348-5555 ELF:  on hold for more than 15-30 minutes already Rep: Welcome to SISTIC ... something something etc ELF: May I know the available seats for Super Show 4? Rep: couldn't hear what he said ELF: May you please repeat what you said? Rep: still couldn't hear... dogs barking and chickens clucking and crowing everywhere waaaa!!! ELF: I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you. What are the available seats again? Rep: The available seats are for CAT 2 and 8. ELF: Ahh.. Cat 2 and 8. Could you please hold a moment while I ask my friends.. Rep: Sure. ELF: shouting in the background. "GUYS, ...

Day 11 of 30: Shopping Spree

I was suppose to go out shopping with my ELFriends in Carbon but I already promised my co-worker friend to have a lunch date with her [since it's her last day at work...T.T] together with my other co-worker friends [btw, these co-worker friends of mine came from the same university as me that's why I treat them special ;)]. So I'm really sorry my ELFriends if I wasn't able to join you in Carbon [I bet it was fun!]. Anyway, after the lunch date, I decided to shop together with my other co-worker friend who is looking for a thick jacket that she can bring on her Hongkong trip and me looking for the things I'll be bringing on my Singapore trip ;p. We went to Terranova, Forever21, and the mall's department store. I swear, I love Terranova more than Forever 21 now =D. Here were the items I bought: winter dress, leggings, boots, and a baggage bag. I was thinking that I should start wearing some boots [I want this with my airport fashion..haha] and wear more formal ...

When We Booked Our Super Show 4 Tickets

January 15, 2012 Sinulog 2012 SuperCien's Narrative of that fateful day. I got out of work at 6 AM. Met up with Yerene at about 7 AM. Ate Breakfast. Went to DawnHae's house at about 8-9 AM? The online priority booking for SS4 SG started the previous day (January 14th). Public and overseas booking was on the 15th at 12 PM. The three of us, DawnHae, Yerene and I, were patiently waiting... chitchatting some, talking, spazzing, preparing our "workspace", creating the list of our preferred seats, planning for the possible seating scenarios etc etc. XmaKyu couldn't come and she gladly bestowed upon us the right to order the tickets for her. I forgot whether HeeEmmy arrived sometime before the online ordering started or shortly thereafter? sorry. We had used two laptops. We pre-typed the credit card info in a notepad... ready to be copy pasted during the ordering process. We taped up a piece of paper in front of us showing our preferred seats. RITS ...

Day 10 of 30

Today will be our Carbon Market escapade (largest market in Cebu).We hope to find a lot of things there today, like the flying lighters for our fan project for SS4 SG, Angry Birds Headbands with lights that blinks for our headgear at the concert. I also have to look for pocketstarfield's list of items like the clothes she needs to wear and if we are lucky to find boots then I also have to get her that. She won't be able to come since she will have a shift later tonight. I am not sure if Chrisma will be with us but I will definitely be with Dawn and Emmy. Surely this will be another fun filled day.

Day 11. SuperCien's Checklist

I scanned my journal and ta-dah!! Here is SuperCien's Trip To Singapore Checklist .  Please bear with my handwriting ;p Please also know that this will be my first time traveling outside my island home of Cebu. I am  a little nervous about the trip. But mostly, I am excited because it has always been my dream to travel the world. I may only be going to Singapore, but hell yeah!! that is still a destination outside my country in itself. and of course, thanks to super junior for somehow being a way to make this dream a reality. but mostly, it is because of sj that i am going there haha. And here is the "proposed" clothing checklist. I am having doubts about this. Last weekend, the gang managed to convince me to buy a very short pair of shorts. 0.0 It was really affordable after all. When I arrived home, I tried to wear the shorts and OOHHHMMMMMYYYYY!!! IT WAS TOO SHORT!! Haha. I may be overacting. Yes, I am definitely overacting. It...

Day ? of 30: Did I really miss all the fun here?

Whew! After 12 days of anguish without internet... I'm finally here! I'm not really good in making blogs but I'll try to share all my thoughts here. Especially regarding............ -_- (my heart just exploded) Anyways, I'm super excited for SS4SG! Everything has been a roller coaster ride for me. I mean, I've never really risked anything in my entire life. Everything has been planned. My daily routine would include school-home-church-home. I had a boyfriend for almost 5 years but still, dating was also like a routine for me. Everyone would say I'm the boring type and that I'm too serious with my life but I thought in the past that I couldn't change that coz that's just me. But after knowing SJ, my life really turned around. I guess everything that has happened really has a reason. Perfect timing, as I could describe it. During the darkest part of my life, when I thought I would literally break down, they came. I've been telling my closest ...

Why? waaahhhhh crazy day

I'm really sorry for not updating much here or even in my tumblr for this journey, school is really keeping me occupied. I hope that you guys understand. Tomorrow is shopping day for me, Dawnhae and Yerene Choi. I don't know if I'll be buying a lot of stuff but  so far this day is simply crazy. After a few days of not logging in to tumblr the first thing on my dash is my beloved Chul's GIF taking a selca in at his radio show.  Heenim, I know that you don't like me being serious about school but this is simply killing me right now. WAAAAHHHH Heechul I love you so much even if it kills me just to look into those eyes of yours.

Day 9 of 30

I'm a little busy recently, since I have engrossed my self with my new addiction. This time i don't just read Fan Fiction but I have started writing it. I'm no longer contented with the ones that I am reading, I want a plot of my own. So may not be very active this coming days but I will surely try my best to update here. Hyukcien: I'll try to email the admins for the Fan Project this coming Sunday 29th of January Heemmy: I'll give you the link to my fic when I'm done.Please teach me well Chrisma: I heard that you want to do a make over? and want to have a bangs? Good luck!!! Try a side bangs on a layered hair style to add volume Dawnhae: You are missing a lot of fun!!!

Day 10. Of Fanchants and Singing One's Heart Out

So yeah, I am never the one to fully memorize all of SJ's songs consciously. Ahahahaha. But it's the Super Show!!!! I need to do this. I have a goal to lose all my voice in this once-in-a-lifetime event. I need to sing my heart out for Super Junior!! and good luck to the ELFs sitting next to me at the concert ;p Everyone, I have compiled the fanchants for the concert that were posted by SS4 Singapore - Truly ELFs. Our ever helpful SG ELFs have organized it all for us. And they even hold practice sessions in their country. How about us? Will we be five lost souls during the Super Show? Oh no no no no no no. Don't fret, SuperCien is here. Wahaha!! It's gonna be so much fun!! So many ELFs in one place, singing, dancing, laughing, shouting, fangirling, crying(?), having fun with Super Junior all at the same time! OH YEAH!! So here it is , the list. All fanchants were modified to fit the performances in super show 4 . Video reference links are also found in the pos...

Day 8 of 30: If Ever...

Random thoughts for Day 8: If ever there will be SS4 Manila, I would still go. HAHAHA If given the chance to see Super Junior in Tokyo Dome, why not?!  My mind is just too full of Super Show 4 thoughts. ;p

Day 8 o 30

Today I had a breakfast date with Heemmy and Hyukcien...It seems like it has been a regular routine that I see this people almost every time I have the chance to, same with Dawnhae (currently under hiatus due to lack of connection).As far as I can remember we just watched Underworld: The Awakening this past Sunday. Anyway I still had fun today.I just can't imagine myself if I haven't known about The Boys, I must still be the boring person everyone used to know of. The days are just passing by so fast without even knowing it.I can slightly feel the rush of adrenaline and as proof I wanted to start packing up my things to bring as early as now.I still have to make sure I have everything ready before I do that. Singapore, you're a Dream Come true Super Junior, This is It!!! Kim Joong Woon, Let's Settle This Choi Siwon, London? Come Home! Pali!!! Sungmin, Oh My Ged!!!!Tattoo!!!


It seems that only me(SuperCien) and Xmakyu are kinda lurking on the site. So, I'm gonna wax lyrical and whine piteously about my emotional and sentimental self here. So I am saying sorry ahead of time to your guys... And I am posting this under the admin logins. ;D Dawnhae, go call up PLDT to have your internet reconnected and post here all you day 1-12 posts. Ahahahaha. HeeEmmy, I know you are there!! Post more of you heesecrets. Yerene Choi!!!! Stop your fanfic moments, and please write here or comment here more at least. I know you are writing, so write here too. hehe. This is only for the next 30 days. We will go our own separate ways aftewards ;-/ and remember this time of our life. waaaa im getting senti again. Waaaaaa!!!! 21 days and we are seeing them all!!! well, nine of them ra diay.. but WAAAAAAA!!!!!

Day 9. Super Show 4 Singapore Fan Projects

Here it is guys... the fan projects for SS4 SG!!! However, I can only find two atm. The projects are for Sungmin and Ryeowook. Wookie Fan Project . Support by holding up the handheld banner during Wookie's solo... The banner is free and will be distributed at the entrances on concert date. We need to email or tweet mention @ryeonggu621. Please do it guys!! source: SS4 Singapore - Truly ELFs FB page Sungmin Fan Project. Let us all  Sing With Sungmin   !! Yay! To raise funds for this project, we (the organizers) have created badges for you to purchase (designs can be found at the end of the post). All funds collated will go into the printing the handhelds and reflective banner used for his solo project in SS4 Singapore. Prices for Badges 1) Buy 1 to 5 badges: $2.50 each 2) Buy 5 badges & above: $2.00 each 3) Sungmin Special Badge Set (incl. Do-Re-Mi, Marilyn & Mr Simple design...

Day 8. The OC in ME: Super Show 4 Singapore Trip Schedule Of Activities

date time things to do Feb16 Thu 8:00 AM Web Check In c/o Cien or DawnHae Feb17 Fri departure 10:00 AM Yerene & Cien Pick Up DawnHae's luggage in Mabolo 11:00 AM Go to HeeEmmy's House 11-3 PM Yerene & Cien Wait & Sleep  3-3:30 PM Leave for Airport 4:00 PM Should Arrive by Airport, meet with Xmakyu Wait, and queue for Immigration if open 5:00 PM DawnHae should've arrived by now 5-7 PM Queue at Immigration etc 7:55 PM Goodbye PH, Hello World!!! ~7:55-11:55PM Nasa himpapawid. Makasakay nakog plane!! Feb18 Sat Arrival at SG 12:00 AM Singapore!!!! WAAAAA!!! SJ!!!! 12-1 AM Queue at Immigration etc and out of the Airport 1-2AM Arrival at the Hostel Eat Dinner 2-6AM Sleep? 6-7 AM Wake Up, Bath Time 7-8 AM Breakfast ...

Day 7 of Worry

To be honest I am worried because I haven‘t told my mom about this trip. I may be 22y.o. but its different that your living with your parents especially when they don‘t understand that I have to do things like these for the boys. I hope when my mom understands my reason for leaving but one thing is true I‘ll introduce my friends that will be m companion for 3 days. I hope my companions wouldn‘t mind helping me out. T.T

Day 6 of 30: Baggage Checklist

Here is list I have come up with on the things I need to have in my baggage so I won't miss anything! XD IMPORTANT LIST passport plane tickets concert tickets (things needed to claim the concert tickets!) hotel booking papers clothes shoes/slippers personal hygiene stuffs pocket money mobile phone and charger (don't forget to set your networks to roaming!) digital camera (I wish we could do some fancams!) MY KYUHYUN LIGHTSTICK! (I almost forgot!!!) NOT-SO-IMPORTANT BUT PARTLY IMPORTANT placards for the concert pens (in case we can have some autographs!) a Suju album (I think I'm bringing one, maybe my Mr. Simple album so I could make it a placard and in case for autographs too XD)

Day 6...

This post is dedicated to Kim Heechul and how I fell for this cat. The MV that I saw is U. I admit that it was difficult to tell them apart. But there were 2 who caught my attentention, the guy with smiling eyes which he was attractive and the member that I mistaken for a girl because of his long hair. After a few harrassment from a couple of my friends I recognized their Chinese member, Hangeng because my he's the bias of my friend. They showed me some of their pictures and then I asked my friend, "I thought this is a boy band, why is there a girl member? Obviously I was embarrassed because of this pretty boy so I want to know him better. I didn't realize my true potential in research till I started looking for information about, Kim Heechul. I liked him as I know more about him. I realized he's talented than I could even imagine. Hours turned to days, days turned to months, months turned to years, I discovered talents that I thought I could not harness. One is...

Day 6??? Happy Chinese New Year!!!

WHO AM I? comment your answer hahaha! Happy Chinese New Year everyone!!! Day 6 before SS4 SG???? Well, not exactly. As of writing this entry, it is technically still Day 5. I am only queuing this post so that it is published today, day 6. Haha!! I am afraid that I will not be able to write an entry in the next few days because work will swallow me alive!! Rrrrrrrr!!! I hope the other admins will keep the site up and running and kicking and alive. ☺ I AM JUST SO EXCITED!! HAVE I TOLD YOU THAT I AM EXCITED??!!!WAAAAA!!! I DO NOT CARE IF ALL IM EATING IN SG IS INSTANT NOODLES. I DO NOT CARE IF I DO NOT EVEN EAT AT ALL WHEN I AM THERE. I JUST KNOW THAT I NEED TO BE PART OF THE SAPPHIRE BLUE SEA IN THE SUPERSHOW 4!!!  AND I DO NOT CARE IF THE PICTURE ABOVE IS DECAPITATED HAS NO RELEVANCE WHATSOEVER TO THIS POST. AS IF THIS POST EVEN HAS RELEVANCE. HAHA.

Day 5 of 30: SS4 Motivation

Every time I say that just a little more and I'm going crazy over my work, the SS4SG motivation always overpowers it all. I rendered 6+ hours of overtime yesterday to make sure my project was gonna be okay. My co-workers would also use my planned Singapore leave to inspire me in my work. They just know what makes me happy~! Hahaha Anyway, counting the days left, I want to make sure I won't miss anything when I go to Singapore. Maybe I could start a list in the blog and the other admins will add their list too. Yay~! And yeah, I need some shopping and makeover. PS. Super Junior won Daesang in Seoul Music Awards! Did you see how Siwon cried so hard? hahaha... I'm just too happy, I wish I could hug all of them. ;p

Day 5 of 30-It's Definitely A Yes!

The moment I woke up today hugging my little blue baby elephant, I was already smiling. It seems like I had a good dream last night that I just can’t remember however I felt that there is something good for me today. I went out of the room with my Baby Kyumin the moment I heard my Dad and my little Sister was watching a movie. I missed doing that on a weekend with the family ever since I got hooked up with The Boys and become an ELF, I rarely stay at home to chat or spend the day with them. I realized how much I missed my father since we used to only get together on a weekend when I started working more than 2 years ago and lately has almost always been dedicated for someone or something else, we rarely had the time to talk with each other besides the instances that we eat together or him sitting in front of the PC when I wake up for work asking me why I slept late again when I have a shift for the night. At the dining table while having breakf...

Late Intro Day 4

I hope that my introduction isn‘t too late. I‘m an ELF from the Philippines who doesn‘t have enough confidence. I live in a life of being a home buddy-church goer-school which was pretty boring. The person responsible for bringing out the fangirl in me is my childhood friend which she thinks that this the only way for me to get over a very stupid crush. We‘ll it worked because I‘m in love with Kim Heechul. Before I became an ELF I never knew where my life is going I flunked my some subjects and I could take the calling of a profession which my siblings are in. Now I can say that I can be a better person just by being inspired by these humble boys, making new friends through the ELFS I meet in gatherings here and the best part is that I have a family that I could say that will be with me no matter what and I will be the same to them. Obviously my bias is Kim Heechul, my love even through hell. I may sound delusional but I love him even if he confesses that he and Geng are togeth...

I Need A Day Off!!!! Rawr!! haha: Day 4 of 30

I do not want to worry over this. Really. Sigh. This is my work schedule for January and February 2012. Sadly, i used up all my leaves during the past year. I only got 1 day's worth of leave as of January 2012. By the looks of my schedule in February, my day offs will be on February 14 and 15. NO!!!! I need the 17th and 18th!!!!!!!!!!!!! The cheapest flight will leave on Feb 17!! The concert starts on the 18th!! I hope and fervently pray that someone at work will swap sked with me. I am so willing to work eight straight days from Feb 9 to Feb 16. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! I can't afford to be absent because... 1. It will affect my scorecard 2. Failed scorecard, means no bonus. 3. No bonus means, no money for fangirling. :-/ 4. I already got a letter for an absence when I watched the MAMA telecast. Ooops. Please let everything work out fine!! The new schedules will be released next week. Please pray for me!! ps: woi! dont cry ...